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Output Peripherals


NewGen Systems Corporation

TurboPS/480 is a high-resolution, high-speed PostScript-compatible laserprinter. The printer offers user-selectable printing an 800 x 400 dpi or400 x 400 dpi. It prints at speeds up to 15 times faster thancompetitive laser printers. A proprietary dual-processor design isresponsible for the dramatic speed increase. Using a 20 MHz Intel 80960KB RISC processor with a built-in floating point processor, and an Intel80186 I/O processor, this printer is designed for the difficult task ofprocessing PostScript files. The 80960 performs PostScript fileinterpretation, math calculations, and rasterization at 20 MIPS.TurboPS/480 provides an alternative to expensive typesetting servicesbecause it is a cost-effective solution for camera-ready masters, desktoppublishing, and presentation graphics. Besides PostScript compatibility,it offers HP LaserJet Series II, HP 7475A (HPGL), and Epson LQ-800compatibility. TurboPS/480 uses a version of the Canon SX engine so ituses the same toner cartridge and paper trays as the HP LaserJet SeriesII and III and Apple's LaserWriter IINT and IINTX. Five MB of memory arestandard.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

NewGen Systems Corporation
3545 Cadllac Av # A
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-1401
Phone: (714) 641-8600
        (800) 888-1689
Fax: (714) 641-2800